
This is information about footfall in stores or visits to a website or anything else that counts as some kind of traffic.

Tracking the traffic that comes to your website or number of people
entering your stores is crucial to understand consumer behavior. AlvĂ­ss AI uses
this information to see how your sales scale with visits.

The Visits Data file should contain the following column headers:

  • Country (string): A three-letter country code as specified in the ISO 3166 standard, indicating the country where the visit metrics were collected.
  • Region (string): The region within the country where the visit metrics were collected. The format for the region may vary depending on the specific region being represented, but should adhere to the ISO 3166 standard.
  • Date (date): The date when the visit metrics were collected, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601).
  • Channel (string): The channel which the visits came through, such as Direct, Display, Email, Organic Search, and so on.
  • Visits (integer): The number of visits registered.
  • Grouping (string): An optional field for grouping the brand data based on additional criteria, such as product categories or sales territories.

The data can be uploaded in both wide and long format, depending on your needs.

Long format:

Country Region Grouping Date Channel Visits
SWE all all 2018-01-07 BrandedPaidSearch 11339
SWE all all 2018-01-07 Direct 104596
SWE all all 2018-01-07 Display 1108
SWE all all 2018-01-07 Email 10130
SWE all all 2018-01-07 GenericPaidSearch 7518
SWE all all 2018-01-07 OrganicSearch 88386

Wide format:

Region all all all all all
Channel BrandedPaidSearch Direct Display Email GenericPaidSearch
Grouping all all all all all
2018-01-08 11339 104596 1108 10130 7518
2018-01-15 12064 101443 651 8426 9849
2018-01-22 14984 148089 703 8705 13072
2018-01-29 14540 146961 648 9620 11480
2018-02-05 14967 157759 719 7912 10887
2018-02-12 15789 158599 839 6949 12334