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The most important file, and actually the only one required, is the
Sales data file. It contains the number of units sold and the price the
consumer paid for it. An example of such a file can be found in
TableĀ 1.

File format

The Sales Data CSV file should contain the following column headers:

  • Country (string): A three-letter country code as specified in the ISO 3166 standard, indicating the country in which the sales occurred.
  • Region (string): The region within the country where the sales occurred. The format for the region may vary depending on the specific region being represented, but should adhere to the ISO 3166 standard.
  • Grouping (string): An optional field for grouping the sales data based on additional criteria, such as sales channels or product categories.
  • Date (date): The first date of the period of the sales transaction, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601).
  • Product (string): The name or identifier of the product that was sold.
  • UnitsSold (integer): The number of units of the product that were sold during the transaction period.
  • PricePerUnit (float): The price per unit of the product in the local currency, with the decimal separator represented using a ‘.’ (period).
  • ProfitPerUnit (float, Optional): The profit made on the unit sold, the column is optional.
Country Region Grouping Date Product UnitsSold PricePerUnit ProfitPerUnit
SWE all all 2018-01-07 Health 292.00 362.9658 120.0
SWE all all 2018-01-07 Life 1489.00 1990.8113 550.0
SWE all all 2018-01-07 Pc 30212.33 546.3061 220.0
SWE all all 2018-01-14 Health 275.00 391.5818 120.0
SWE all all 2018-01-14 Life 1359.00 5241.0199 550.0
SWE all all 2018-01-14 Pc 27306.00 478.0982 220.0