
This data type supports all kinds of macroeconomic data like unemployment rate, consumer confidence, consumer price index, interest rates and currency exchange

Macroeconomical indicators often affect your business. This can be as
simple as the fact that unemployment rate might make people more or less
willing to invest in a new car.

The Macro Data CSV file should contain the following column headers:

  • Country (string): A three-letter country code as specified in the ISO 3166 standard, indicating the country where the indicator were collected.
  • Region (string): The region within the country where the indicators were collected. The format for the region may vary depending on the specific region being represented, but should adhere to the ISO 3166 standard.
  • Grouping (string): An optional field for grouping the indicator data based on additional criteria, such as product categories or sales territories.
  • Date (date): The date when the indicators were collected, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601).
  • Indicator (string): The name of the macroeconomic indicator being reported (e.g. “Unemployment Rate”, “Consumer Confidence Index”, “Interest Rate”).
  • Value (float): The value of the macroeconomic indicator being reported at the given date and for the given region and country.

An example of such a file can be found in the table below.

Country Region Grouping Date Indicator Value
SWE all all 2018-01-07 Unemployment 0.2123493
SWE all all 2018-01-07 Happiness 0.8387580
SWE all all 2018-01-07 CCI 108.1410075
SWE all all 2018-01-14 Unemployment 0.2136844
SWE all all 2018-01-14 Happiness 0.8374786
SWE all all 2018-01-14 CCI 105.3537534