Competitor Price

Pricing data for competitors.

The competitor media data CSV file should contain the following column headers:

  • Country (string): A three-letter country code as specified in the ISO 3166 standard, indicating the country in which the media investment occurred.
  • Region (string): The region within the country where the media investment occurred. The format for the region may vary depending on the specific region being represented, but should adhere to the ISO 3166 standard.
  • Grouping (string): An optional field for grouping the media investment data based on additional criteria, such as product categories or sales territories.
  • Date (date): The date of the media investment, in the format of YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601).
  • Competitor (string): The name of the competitor the data relates to.
  • Product (string): The name or identifier of the product associated with the media investment.
  • PricePerUnit (float): he price per unit of the product in the local currency, with the decimal separator represented using a ‘.’ (period).

An example of such a file can be found in the table below.

Country Region Grouping Date Competitor Product PricePerUnit
SWE all all 2018-01-08 Competitor1 Health 294.00226025399996
SWE all all 2018-01-08 Competitor1 Life 1612.55713923
SWE all all 2018-01-08 Competitor1 Pc 442.507963842
SWE all all 2018-01-15 Competitor1 Health 317.18127274200003
SWE all all 2018-01-15 Competitor1 Life 4245.22609308
SWE all all 2018-01-15 Competitor1 Pc 387.259558362