
 August ▒▒▒▒▒▒ 2022 ├──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┬──┤
│07║08║09│10│11│12│13│ <--- Week 32, 2022
  • These data sources needs to have a coherent data periodicity meaning that the values need to be observed and registered in the same interval. 
  • As an example, say you are collecting your sales numbers on a weekly basis, then the sales need to have exactly one observation per week, country, region, product, and grouping.
  • The Date provided should always fall on the first date in the period. In the example below we want to register the total sales that happened in the ISO week 32 which starts with Monday the 8th of August 2022 and ends with Sunday the 14th of August 2022. 
  • Thus, the sales are put on the first day even if all sales have not been realized that specific day.
  • This is ok since the date will refer to the entire period of Week 32. The first day of the week is shown in the calendar below.


Even if you live in a country where your calendar week starts with Sunday, the Commercial Navigator follows the ISO date standard where each week starts with Monday.