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Alviss is structured around projects, where each project contains a specific set of Datasets, models, and insights. It is up to you to decide how you want to structure your workflow. For example, if you’re interested in analyzing each country separately, you might create a project for each of them for more clarity. If you’d rather have the option to visualize the results across countries as well, then creating one global project is a solution for you.

Keep in mind that all data within the project has to have the same granularity.

Project List

Go to the side menu to see all of the projects within your team. Here, you can also easily switch between them. All team members have access to all projects within the team.

Create Project

In order to create a new project, click on New Project either from the Project List or go directly to

During project creation you decide upon a name for your project as well as a fundamental data Periodicity. This Periodicity will follow the project throughout its lifecycle and cannot be changed.

All projects you create when acting as a team is automatically available to all of the team members.


Here you can modify project information, like name or currency, choose which tabs to show on dashboards, and delete the project.


The change in currency won’t change any values, just the unit itself.

Dashboard Experience

Activities Dashboard Data Source

We allow you to set which dataset should be used for the Activities dashboard.

  • Same with the Effects Dashboard”: If one desires perfect consistency between the Activities and the Effect dashboards.
  • Use Active Dataset”: If one is working with new data one wants to show, but one does not yet have Attributions ready to deploy to the Effect dashboard.